Utilising our proprietary techniques - BioNovoEXTRACT.
The grain following final distillation is collected and processed accordingly to release its stored protein potential at source.
Utilising our BioNovo EXTRACT techniques, the stored protein is efficiently recovered with the remaining nutrients intact for use further down the value chain.
We are proud of the limited impact that our BioNovoEXTRACT techniques employ.
From water capture and reuse during the separation process, to utilising heat from the distillation process during drying.
We are committed to the development of innovative solutions that improve producer processes and efficiency, whilst simultaneously reducing environmental impact.
Innovation is at the heart of what we do at Bionovo.
Once prepared, this entirely Vegan/Organic and Non GMO high quality protein source is then utilised back into the food and feed industry.
Creating a 100% circular and sustainable value added product.
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